
Wednesday 8 November 2017

Cultral Dance

- Why I chose this dance?
I chose this dance because I like the song and I was intrested to see what they where going to Peform! I also like there dance moves they look Unorignal..
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- What I like about this dance?
I like there Dancing moves Intresting and very planned out the song also fits in Perfectly with every Dance move and there singing is great!
- What is good about this dance?
Each one of them get a chance to shine in the spotlight,and everyone of them is Included and they all enjoy the dance and they are having Fun!
- What could be improved about this dance?
They should stand still when they are making poses and they should try not to fiddle wiith there Costume Accessories!
- What I think the story behind this dance could be?
I think Maui is trying to explain he's the best at everything and trying to flex that he's good looking and he's Extroadinary!

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