
Tuesday 14 November 2017

African Cultral Dance/Dance only done by Men! (4.10)

Skip to 4.10 to see the Man Dancing!
Im doing a Man only dance! so I can complete my Bingo Dance Task!

- Why I chose this dance?
Because the ThumbNail looked Intresting and there costumes are great I like the White Furries that go with there Costume!

- What country is this dance from?


- What I like about this dance?

It looks like there telling a Story well dancing an I think thats great!

- What is good about this dance?

That each of them get a Chance to shine in the Dancing Moment! and there actions are Fantastic..Nothing I have ever seen before. ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

- What could be improved about this dance?

They could maybe smile more and be more in Rhythem and Time!

- What I think the story behind this dance could be?
There Hunting for something or maybe there in War!

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